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 Launching your future

We are committed to exploring, respecting, and passing on Indigenous cultures, traditional knowledge, and values.


1st Government Founded Indigenous College in Taiwan

The College of Indigenous Studies (CIS) was established in 2001. Nestling in the scenic Huadong Valley, we offer a unique opportunity to learn about diverse coexisting cultures.

May 14, 2024

• Ph.D. in Indigenous Studies or related fields.
• Experience in using English as a medium of instruction.
• Practical experience in working with indigenous communities in Taiwan or overseas.


應徵資格: 1. 具教育部認可之國內外原住民族相關研究領域之博士學位。 2. 具有國際族群研究或原住民族研究實務經驗,熟悉南島語族文化。 3. 能以英語授課者優先。

June 13, 2024


  • Ph.D. in social work, social policy, social welfare, or a related field.

  • Familiar with indigenous cultures and have the ability to integrate practical experience into the curriculum.



  1. 具教育部認可之國內外社會工作、社會政策或社會福利等相關領域之博士學位,並能教授社會工作相關課程,如:社會工作、社會政策、社區工作、健康與社區照顧、部落社會工作、族群研究等社會工作等課程。

  2. 具有行為科學或社會科學博士學位,且碩士或學士學位之一主修為社會工作,並曾任職社會工作或社會福利相關之研究或教學機構二年以上者。

  3. 具博士學位,且碩士或學士學位之一主修為社會工作,並曾任職社會工作或社會福利相關之研究或教學機構五年以上者。

  4. 熟悉原住民族文化,並具備課程融入實務的能力。

May 7, 2024

On May 5th, National Dong Hwa University held a ceremony to confer an "Honorary Doctorate of Social Science" on Director Yu Kan-ping and to present the "First-Class Indigenous Medal" from the Council of Indigenous Peoples. Attendees included the Chairperson of the Council of Indigenous Peoples, Icyang Parod, Senior Advisor Sun Ta-chuan, Legislator Kao Chin Su-mei, Director Wu Nien-jen, as well as many of Director Yu's students, friends, and over a hundred friends from various indigenous communities.



Study sociology, anthropology, linguistics, history, political science, gender studies, legal studies, and more.


We partnered with indigenous peoples and academic institutions in multiple countries and regions.



The Taiwan Journal of Indigenous Studies (TJIS) has put out 16 volumes and 61 monographs so far, focusing on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples as research subjects and themes.

Research Centers

Our research centers have extensive experience and resources with local communities.


Student Organizations

Engage with outstanding Indigenous youth to gain a deeper understanding of your community.

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